Mila Michelagnoli

I have worked in this field for over twenty years and to me creating art is a means to inspire and be inspired.
I love to share what I know with both children and adults who want to express their creativity, offering wheel and sculpture courses in Sant’Ambrogio, Firenze.
I started to work with clay in 2000. I was in Niger, Africa, where I lived for a year and a half, where by chance I met a Swiss ceramist who lived in the Boubon ceramic village and worked with kick-wheels. I drove one hour every day to visit her in her village, where I started using the kick-wheel.
I opened my first lab in Florence, called Gira e Rigira, in via Luna, a few years back. It was a small studio with no shop window, where I used to hold courses for adults and some children. Then the pandemic inspired me to change, and so in April 2021, I opened Ceramila_Lab, a beautiful space with a shop window where other artists collaborate with me. This time I put my face to the name too.